
My old loves

My old loves

One side of our work is easy - in an emotional way - Easy JAD , with cotton, plastic, colors. This, instead, is the most conceptual JAD side, and these...

My old loves

One side of our work is easy - in an emotional way - Easy JAD , with cotton, plastic, colors. This, instead, is the most conceptual JAD side, and these...

Opening - Southern Depths and Northern Lights: Different Likeness

Opening - Southern Depths and Northern Lights: ...

December 09, 2019 Our first solo exhibition comes from the observation of the delicate creatures and glass sponges living under Antarctica. It will explore similarities and differences between deep seas and surfaces...

Opening - Southern Depths and Northern Lights: ...

December 09, 2019 Our first solo exhibition comes from the observation of the delicate creatures and glass sponges living under Antarctica. It will explore similarities and differences between deep seas and surfaces...

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